September 5

event planning tip

manual how to organize a public debate

In the run-up to the 2018 municipal elections in The Netherlands, I led debates in various libraries on behalf of Probiblio. Hereby we have written a manual "how do I organize a debate". This contains a step-by-step plan for setting up a debate and a lot of useful tips about how to organize a debate: where do you start, when do you involve your debate leader and how do you ensure that the room is full? The most important tips are: think before you start and work from a good idea what you want to achieve. And start early.

Start with the invitation.
This helps you think from the visitors perspective

For me it was very nice to make this debate guide: it makes you think again about the subject of moderator. Do you also want to organize a debate? Then the manual is a nice tool. Due to copyright, I can't just put it online, but send me an email and I'll send it to you (and no, you won't get on a mailing list and you won't get any advertising from me).

The manual is in Dutch, but can be translated easily


This manual has been developed by Rogier Elshout on behalf of or in collaboration with ProBiblio. We thereby provide a guide; pick up that glove! Incidentally, this guide is not the ultimate truth and does not claim to be comprehensive. In the spirit of organizing
debate, it is "only" a certain contribution to give a place to the debate culture in your own Library. But where it concerns quality debates!

© Rogier Elshout chairman, presenter and debate leader / / 06-24 76 89 48

It starts with why is Simon Sinek's philosophy,
Why do you want to organize debates as a Library? What do you want to achieve with it? Who do you want to reach?
And why? And above all: what need do you meet? And then ask yourself: what should you do the day after?
the debate be different from the day before?
After the HOW, remember: what must be in an event to achieve those goals.
Only then think about the WHAT: who invites you, when is it and all practical matters.
3.1 Why would you want it as a Library
Your debate must meet a need. In any case from the Library. And of course also from
public; otherwise nobody will come.
Starting point
Library Visitors Community Public benefit
As a Library you have
certain goals that
with a meeting
could be
fulfilled. Visitors to the
Have a library
need for the
meeting. In or from the city /
village where you operate
is there a need. There is a general one
need true one
Objectives of libraries
Libraries nowadays also have to organize activities in accordance with the Wsob library law
the field of Encounter & Debate. In fact, it is a core task of the government
must be acted on and the Library charged.
The law states it as follows:
A public library facility accessible to everyone includes at least the following
functions that contribute to personal development and improvement of social life
opportunities of the general public:
a. making knowledge and information available;
b. offering opportunities for development and education;
c. promoting reading and getting acquainted with literature;
d. organizing meeting and debate; and
e. get acquainted with art and culture.
Attention to Encounter & Debate seems to have been covered by law, the quality of debates must be
still be guaranteed, something that is more difficult to lay down in a law. From the function of
Meeting & Debating is also relatively easy to make the relationship to the other library functions.
The emphasis on the quality of the debates is new; the recognisability is in the low threshold
contact and communication with the citizen.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 20187
Need audience
If the audience - or better: your precise target group - does not need the event, it will come
nobody and so you don't reach your goal. Therefore, think early: why would the target group want to
come? And what is stopping them (thresholds). Then see if you can think of something that you can use both
appeals to your intended target group if you achieve the Library's objective.
Watch out for "everyone" events, which usually do not work. It is important to your target audience properly
to have for you or to work from personas.
Content and form
In youth debates you sometimes see that this goes wrong. For example, you want young people to visit you
read about 18 th century literature, but you already foresee that young people will not come to it. That
are of course prodding for free food and the performance of the local rapper. So you arrange that
young people who come to your lecture will then receive free food and there will be a performance. Sounds good, but
the substantive message will then not come across. So beware: young people do not always fall for it. And if
they fall for it, they sit reluctantly in your reading. So don't lure people with fun things
around your event, but make sure that your event is attractive in its core, package it appropriately and misled
not (content and form match). Maybe you can do a nice workshop where the
rapper with young and old raps based on 18 th century literature? And make sure the
reading is also fascinating. Or just choose another topic.
3.2 Where do you start?
You only get a debate culture, read: building skills with organizing debates
in your organization when you do it more often, experiment with different forms, the audience on
various ways, etc.
So just start and do, do, do! Please note: the management must support and support it
with word and deed (read: budget and hours). Invest it initially with a "believer", someone who
that has a "debate DNA", is not too bad to deviate from the beaten track and the other colleagues
as much as possible in the development of a debate culture.

A few tips:
Invest it internally with a talented "debates" program leader.
Invest in materials and furnishing, free up budget per debate for implementation.
Just start it and do it.
Next level debating organization: place the program / editorial board with volunteers.
Take your colleagues along in this cultural change.
Test your idea by setting up the invitation
If you have a first idea, don't start with an extensive project plan (in policy language), but make
then a recruitment text for your target group to come to the debate and check if you have the
answer the following questions positively:
If I was the target group then:
I understand what this evening is about.
it is clear what it is for me.
I would come.
If you can answer yes to all questions, then you have a good idea.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 20188
3.3 General principles
Set a number of principles that every event must meet. Our events are (for example):

Maximum interactive
Always have a surprising part
Never last more than 105 minutes
Smooth and fast, never boring
In the large hall of the Library
During busy times and inviting for people who walk by to sit down (even)
Professional: light, sound, image and setup look good
Be rated at least 8 by the public. We do it well or we don't do it.
Never in a theater setup, always in an interactive setup
Always accessible to people who speak Dutch to a certain extent
Of course you can make some starting points different for different target groups / series.
For instance:
• Our lectures by writers on Wednesday are made by at least 15 people (bookworms
(members who borrow> 3 books per month) visited and are highly intellectual and in-depth
level, the speaker holds a 45-minute monologue.
• Our "Timbuktu topical" debates on Saturday are made by at least 50 people
accessible, current and understandable for everyone, there are never monologues.
3.4 One-off or a series
Success takes time. Attracting people to a one-off event is difficult. It becomes easier if you
series: a recurring format (political café with a fixed pattern for example three
politicians, three propositions, musical interlude, poet, permanent presenter) at a regular time (each
last Saturday of the month), with a common thread in the current programming
social topics.
Ideally, you don't even have to promote the specific event in detail, but go for it
50% of your audience the name of the event enough (some people watch De Wereld Draait
By because of a certain guest, but most people watch because they know it every night
at 7 p.m. and every time is a fun program).
Benefits for the Library:
There is a rack for programming
The format can be further refined
The audience continues to increase after every event
It is becoming increasingly easy to get guests ("the political café? Yes, I know that is
always fun").
Also helps you to limit: too many events is too much work and increasingly difficult to get full.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 20189
3.5 For everyone, for a target group or by invitation
Some events are for the general public. But if you try to satisfy everyone, you make it
nobody really happy. Therefore, dare to specifically identify your target groups.
You can even choose to organize some events for invitees only. That has if
It has something exclusive, therefore invitees will be more inclined to come
The debate can be lifted to a higher level
For a public institution such as a Library, this may not be an obvious choice.
Think carefully about this. As a debate stage you can "open your doors" to
customers and organizations that use your room and facilities for a fee. That is none
problem, but be open and communicate about the different forms that your debates have
then get it.
3.6 Fill-in schedule
Title of event
Main question
Target audiences)
Goals per target group
When is the event
a success
When did the event
Why should the
target audience /
what need of the
target group fulfills it
Possible working form
Are speakers needed?
Possible speakers
Possible discussion leader
What is a good one
moment for the
target group + concept
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201810
Start organizing your event well in advance. Inviting in particular takes a lot of time, make sure
so that you have a format on time.
4.1 Be the first to involve your debate leader
Are you asking for a chairman / presenter / debate leader? Involve first to ask for your speakers or
arranges something else. Choose a professional debate leader who can help you focus
goals and can think about the ideal format to achieve those goals.
That someone knows a lot about a subject does not make a good debate leader. It was not! So
someone is going to talk about the content and that is soon out of the reach of the general public. A
good debate leader is the expert in the form, not on the content.
The debate leader; involve him / her before the event is completed.
Debate leader Rogier Elshout explains the ideal moment to ask the debate leader

Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201811
4.2 Develop a program
Together with the debate leader, devise a good program that meets your starting points.
Are you making a series? Then make both the vertical ones at the beginning (which parts will come each
return) as horizontal programming (how do you enter those parts per event).
For instance:
Political cafe
Theme The swimming pool Dog poo Assistance The bridge Festivals
Mr / Mrs presenter
X Sir / Madam
X Sir / Madam
X Sir / Madam
X Sir / Madam
Main question Must there be a new Must the municipality Must the municipality Must bridge
swimming pool
the new
a consideration of wood or stone
or do we buy the poop piston? enter?
turn into?
old up? Need more or more
fewer festivals
Expert Lifeguard Prof Henk van
Vliet, poepologist Someone from the
SER An engineer?
Politician A Janssen of party
A (for new) Linszen from party
C (front) Bouhari party A
(front) Bleacher party D
(wood) Helmers party E
Politician B Peters from party B
(for refurbishing) Bleacher of party D
(counter) Gerven lot D
(counter) New party A
(stone) Someone of party
C (against)
interlude Singer Rinus Singer Rinus Singer Rinus Singer Rinus Singer Rinus
Neighborhood reportage / the Near entrance
chat box
At the outlet site At the food bank At the bridge Residents and
visitors at a
Special one
target group Dog owners,
parents of
children, schools People in the
Youth assistance,
senior citizens
residents neighborhood Y
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 2018
Think in time about the work forms that you are going to use. Choose a method that fits the set
objective and principles. We identify the suitability of a number of work forms and provide them
a number of pitfalls and solutions. Discuss your idea with your debate leader so that he / she can do it
advise on the best working method.
5.1 Reading
5.2 Interview
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201813
5.3 Debate
5.4 Debate with experts (panel)
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201814
5.5 Debate between different parties (election debate)
An interesting book about a good election debate is: A celebration of democracy
5.6 Talk show
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201815
5.7 Dialogue
5.8 Festival / market
How much time do you give someone and what form do you choose? It hangs
away from the speaker
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201816
6.1 Buzz in advance
Make sure you have already started the conversation before the event. Create a buzz. You already have that
content, and you attract more audiences. For instance:
Publish an interview with a speaker
Organize a photo / film / essay / craft competition
Place the chat room / wailing wall / suggestion box / scaffolding bucket in the Library
Hang posters with in the days before the debate
statements. Get the audience to vote for it:
- with red / green stickers
- with a digital system
- with balls in a container
- nice promo
- you know exactly which statements are controversial
and which not. You choose that for the debate
6.2 Interlude
Music, a poet, and artist ... art and culture belong to the Library and make your debate
nicer. But beware: the artist (s) must be really good. Otherwise this has a negative one
impact on your event.
And now for something completely different ... An interlude can also be substantive. Need one
inspiring speaker about something completely different.
6.3 And we are not going home yet
What can you do after the debate? A drink, an introduction game or a meet and greet with the
speaker (s)?
6.4 Interaction software
Use software to engage the public. There are different systems, each with their own
pros and cons. If you do not use a system, make sure you have red / green
voting cards.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201817
7.1 Defined theme, clear main question
Make sure the theme is well defined and the main question is clear. Don't be afraid to be small
keep in mind: people are going to get anything and everything.
7.2 Propositions
Good propositions are the basis of a good debate. Use the "good propositions manual" for this.
The most important conditions:
1) Controversial: half of the room passionate for, the other half mordic against.
2) Contains "must": propositions must have consequences: what are we going to do? Prefer statements
with the word must go in (we have to buy bananas) then vague "is it true" statements
(bananas are tasty).
3) Rather a case than a principle: Rather a case (the assistance must be € 150 lower) than one
principle (the welfare state must be reduced). Otherwise everyone talks past each other
and it's not about anything.
Don't spend too much time formulating propositions: send the debate leader ‘work in progress’: you
first ideas. And above all: send the debate leader the dilemmas you want to talk about. There goes
the exact wording will come later.
Dilemma or multilemma
In addition to a binary statement (agree / disagree), we can also query several options. People choose
then (with the voting system) one option from several options, different options give a number or
create a ranking of multiple options.
The different options should preferably be as concrete as possible, but really fundamental
differences. They are therefore an example of a principle.
Example Students not doing their homework
must have made
stay after.
What do we do with students who do their homework
don't make it?

Staying behind (punishment)
Corvee (useful punishment)
Make an essay (introspection)
Conversation with parents (pedagogical
Nothing, personal responsibility
Benefit Forces the conversation to focus on Let the debate broaden, but can also leave it
the fundamental contradiction:
blow out:
Offers more room for nuance
It is absolute and you must
Offers more room for alternatives
really choose
We can set the mood
measure in the room (and possibly
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201818
8.1 Promotion = 80% of the work
Ensuring a full room is at least as much work as all other things put together. Or perhaps
80% of the work. It is a waste of your investment if you organize a great event and
then sit with an empty room, or with not the right people. So make a good promotion plan.
8.2 Invitations
"Dear Sir / Madam,
We are very pleased to invite you to an event of which it is completely
it is unclear why you would like to be there, and that already sounds dusty. The date is somewhere in this
write crepes hidden. There is a walk-in time and a start time and an end time for drinks. For you
to sign up, send an email to sign up @ the name of our organization with your
salutation, name, organization, dietary requirements, eye color of your dog and much more irrelevant
Terrible invitations are still being sent every day. So pay attention:
What’s in it for them> give sufficient motivation to your target group to come
The Library has a purpose with the meeting. Maybe that is the reason why
people come. But big chance of not. Therefore, think carefully: "What’s in it for them": which
need of your target group satisfy you?
Active language
Active language instead of passive
No unnecessary duties
Be as specific as possible about what will happen. People are more likely to come
if they know exactly when something is going to happen. So state the program and add it
what is expected from the public.
Make sure the invitations are sent out on time: send a save the date as soon as possible,
and a reminder if speakers and program are known.
And a physical card and Facebook and Twitter and call after. Personal contact takes more time,
but is the most effective.
Large / striking registration button → call to action
Everything in the mail must lead to: registration
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201819
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201820
8.3 Ask or not to register
Ideally, you give the possibility to the public to register very easily, but imagine
it is not mandatory.
8.4 Braking
Don't forget to send people a reminder. Feel free to send 2x a reminder to people who are not yet
are logged in. But also send people who are registered a week before the event also one
mail with practical info and a bait. Certainly with free events the no-show is huge (> 30%) (there
rarely people who have not signed up). This way you ensure that people don't forget it.
Post the days before the event on Facebook. Because people forget quickly.
Save the date
When 12 - 4 wks in advance
Last minute
6-4 wks
For whom People with busy Public, press, target groups,
calendars that this
important to the public,
target audiences,
target groups, network
With some Copy of
People with
special interest
in the debate or it
subject you already want
asked their agenda
let it block.
Even if you still have
no speakers,
program or
precise interpretation:
Send a
Make sure you have a whole one
concrete invitation
send: when people see this
they must know exactly
how the event goes out
who himself
to have
gave up
topics / questions
Eg: you do one
debate about living.
Send an early one
save the date
housing associations,
policy officers
live, the
housing association and
councilors of the
committee living.
Facebook event
Social media
Posters / flyers
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 2018
Social media
Social media21
Learn from festivals
The competition at pop festivals is fierce and visitors postpone buying tickets for a long time.
That is why they announce their "line-up" in steps. They regularly have "news" and therefore one
excuse to post something in their Facebook event. They post in the last 2 weeks before the festival
daily news, photos of the preparation, the weather forecast or just "we feel like it,
you too?'. And of course regularly "almost sold out, be quick".
At concerts there are sometimes several messages on the last day. Because they know: people often decide
last minute, and many people want to buy a ticket, but have forgotten it 2 minutes later.
8.5 Use mailing lists and registration software
Mailing lists
Do not send the mail from Outlook, but use a mailing program such as Mailchimp.
This way you can easily create emails with beautiful layout that adapt to mobile phones
You can see exactly how many people have received, opened and clicked through the email.
People can deregister (and / or register), and you can mark registered people. So
make sure that people who are already registered do not receive a reminder, but an email with
"Nice that you will be there next week"
Automate the registration
Make it easy for guests and yourself by automating the registrations.
If the process is too difficult, people drop out. If people have to send emails: way too
By automating it you will not waste any time keeping up the guest list and you can
send follow-up emails easily.
It looks professional.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201822
8.6 Address networks
Every debate event is a possibility to increase your network and / or relationships. Try these contacts
good to keep. Also dare to tap the network behind your network: ask the question (also to the
debate guests) to take their supporters with them, to reinforce the plea.
When debates arise from forms of cooperation with other organizations, it is easier
to enlarge the network and that will therefore also help to increase the turnout for your debate. And note: each
Library staff, and certainly externally oriented colleagues, have a network and can do this
in favor of the debate. Just ask them about it!
8.7 Live advertising in the Library
Use the floor and the visitors and all channels of the Library. You can posters
hang up, put down flyers, place signs where the public can give their opinion. Sit down
your own staff to point out visitors to the event and use your own channels (social media,
newsletters, etc.).
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201823
The press is, depending on the type of debate and the objectives to be achieved, a
necessity, if only for the central debate guests. Invite broadly, as long as you like
message and (debate) activity.
Also tell the debate leader that he / she can attempt to "be in the newspaper tomorrow". It won't always
happen, but if you do not give this guidance, it will never happen. This news
Of course you can also make it yourself via your own library channels and / or a press release directly after it
debate (on the same day).
Journalists often sit anonymously among the public. It is up to you to contact
and positively influence the story. That's allowed! Also tell the debate leader
that there is press in the room. Also leave the journalist free to talk separately with the
central guests; you can stimulate that contact - as a debating organization you are there for the professionals,
also allow journalists to do their work.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201824
10.1 Organize yourself
Do the things you are good at and hire them whenever possible. Invest in those things and
materials for which the costs recur. Don't save on sound: a debate without good ones
sound technology is disastrous for your activity! We are so confident in that: if the sound is not good and "it
sound cannot cope with the audience ’, you might as well not be able to organize the debate. Don't leave one either
tell the debate leader and / or debate guest to continue the debate without amplification: that's it
beginning to skimp on the quality of the debate. Don't let it happen, there is no discussion
about possible.
If it is possible due to a low turnout in a small context, then you could consider it. But
because you make a noise, passers-by are tempted to listen and participate.
Lighting technology is optional: it is a nice addition and improvement, but - perhaps also considering the
extra costs - not the most necessary.
10.2 Roadmap
Make a simple scenario for the event and a project plan for the whole inclusive
preparation and aftercare. Make sure that all information is together (who does what, and what
must happen). But keep it short. And keep track of the progress (plan that as well).
10.3 Invite and brief speakers
Let the speakers know two weeks in advance what they are expected to do. How much time
do they have, are they being interviewed, what are the propositions and are they categorized for or against.
The question is not what the speaker wants, the question is what you want. Be directive: they are there for your audience
"Speakers are clowns."
In this column, Rogier Elshout does quite a lot, but his message is clear: speakers are up for it
to please your audience, not the other way around.
@Rogier where is the link to the column
10.4 Technology
Think in time about which technology you all need. Do you have that at home or do you have to hire technology?
If you work with a regular supplier, you know what you have and you can get special rates
arrange. Then you probably spend less time on it.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201825
11.1 Room layout: interactive and accessible
A debate in a theater setting works less well. Ideally, always arrange a setup where
Speakers stand between the audience
The audience can look at each other
That way you have a setting in which most interaction is achieved.
Other tips:
Preferably leave the speakers.
If they are seated, NEVER sit behind a table! That looks passive (speakers go
lean back) and there is a physical barrier with the audience. In addition, it is no longer
this time and it does not fit in with the accessible contemporary Library of today.
Never place speakers on a stool. That can be uncomfortable for older people and women with
a dress / skirt and actually nobody looks good on a stool.
Do not use high standing tables for this
speakers. They disappear behind that,
certainly smaller speakers. Give them rather
a low table.
Set up 35% fewer seats than
notifications, and keep a pile
behind the hand. There is always no show. And
prefer that you have extra seats shortly before time
must put down, then empty seats. Move
fit extra seats like the front ones
rows are completely full.
Direct people forward. It is
important that especially the front seats
occupied, including in connection with photographs and
video. Be steering, people naturally sit in the back. For that reason
It is therefore also important that you put down too few seats in the beginning, or the rear rows with
depositing a ribbon.
Put up standing tables behind the chairs, so you attract passers-by.
11.2 Sound
Ensure good sound
If it is difficult to understand, people drop out and that affects the entire meeting. Go
for quality.
Rogier Elshout / ProBiblio, June 201826
Provide pin or headset microphones. This way your speakers are hands-free. Or at least give them one
wireless microphone. By a microphone on a wire, and certainly by a fixed one
microphone, people become static.
Purchase a catchbox (pitch microphone)
11.3 Light
Make sure the lighting in the room is good and the speakers / debaters are clearly visible.
With a little bit of theater lighting, it immediately looks much more professional.
11.4 Screen
Ask yourself if you really need a screen? If so:
• Avoid a projector on a table. Hang it on the ceiling or shine from behind.
• Prevent speakers from standing in front of the projector. Place the screens on the side or light up
from behind.
Voor de presentatoren is het prettig als de powerpoint voor hen goed zichtbaar is. Dus zorg ervoor
dat ze voor zich op de vloer een monitor hebben, zodat ze niet de hele tijd met hun rug naar het
publiek staan.
11.5 Mooi decor
Heb je vaste items (zeepkist, tafel)?
Liever geen rolbanners. Die zien er goedkoop uit.
Hoe zie je dat je in de Bibliotheek bent? In plaats van een banner met het woord Bibliotheek er op,
kun je ook zorgen dat je op elke foto een boekenkast ziet omdat je midden in de bibliotheek staat.
Rogier Elshout/ ProBiblio, Juni 201827
11.6 Interactiesysteem
Door middel van een digitaal interactiesysteem kunnen mensen via hun smartphone stemmen, vragen
beantwoorden (multiple choice of open), vragen stellen en nog veel meer.
• Het ziet er modern uit.
• Het is laagdrempelig; ook verlegen mensen worden zo gehoord.
• Het is eerlijk: je hoort de mening van iedereen en niet alleen van de hardste schreeuwers.
• Het bespaart tijd: in korte tijd kun je de mening van de hele zaal horen of veel reacties krijgen.
• Hoger leerrendement: als mensen ergens over hebben moeten nadenken, onthouden ze meer.
• Leukere vragen: in plaats van iemand het woord geven en maar hopen dat die een vraag stelt die
iedereen boeit, kun je uit alle inzendingen de leukste reacties of vragen halen. Bij sommige
systemen kan het publiek zelfs elkaars vragen omhoog en omlaag stemmen.
Supersnel internet met veel toegangspunten.
• Er moet voldoende internettoegang zijn voor iedereen. In veel zalen is de 3G/4G toegang niet
voldoende en de meeste tablets werken alleen op wifi. Dat betekent dus: uw wifi router moet
minstens net zoveel IP-adressen tegelijkertijd kunnen uitgeven als er mensen in de zaal zitten. En
het liefst kort voor het evenement fris worden opgestart. Zijn deze termen abracadabra? Vraag het
dan aan ICT. Haperend internet = haperend evenement.
• Het liefst heeft u een netwerk zonder wachtwoord. In elk geval geen extra goed beveiligd netwerk
met individuele wachtwoorden, certificaten ed. De gemiddelde digibeet is dan bij de borrel nog
bezig met verbinding maken.
• Er moet een bedrade aansluiting zijn voor de laptop (een internetkabel).
Aansluiting op het scherm
• Er moet geschakeld worden tussen de powerpoint/ achtergrond/ film en het uitslagenscherm. Dat
kan met Alt-tab, maar is veel mooier met een VGA switch. Wederom abracadabra? Dan navragen
bij een technicus.
Zichtbare plek
• De operator heeft een tafel nodig met stopcontacten, internet en wat ruimte. Hij/zij kan het beste
werken als diegene met de technicus kan praten én het podium kan zien. Is de operator ook
sidekick? Dan dient hij/zij ook zichtbaar te zijn vanuit de zaal.
Rogier Elshout/ ProBiblio, Juni 201828
Een event organiseren is veel werk en kost veel geld/menskracht. Met een kleine extra investering in
audiovisueel materiaal, kun je het bereik enorm vergroten.
12.1 Foto’s en/of film
Regel een fotograaf en/of een filmmaker om het event vast te leggen. Denk goed na over wat je
vervolgens met het materiaal wilt doen: is het voor intern gebruik, is het materiaal voor folders en
verslagen of wordt het gebruikt voor het grote publiek?
Denk vooraf goed na wat je op de foto of in je video’s wil. Zie deze tips:
Neem bijvoorbeeld dit filmpje: Een heel mooi
verslag over het debat, niet van het debat. Dit is geschikt om aan sponsors/directeuren te laten zien
dat het geld goed besteed is. Maar het geeft geen beeld van wat er in de Bibliotheek heeft
plaatsgevonden, daardoor is het minder geschikt voor inwoners/geïnteresseerden.
12.2 Live op de lokale omroep
De lokale omroep heeft vaak de techniek om het event op te nemen en uit te zenden… en is vaak op
zoek naar content. Maak een deal met hen! En stuur na afloop een verslag met een mooie foto naar
de lokale krant: die zitten vaak ook om content verlegen.
Rogier Elshout/ ProBiblio, Juni 201829
De grote dag is aangebroken. Hoe zorg je nu dat het goed gaat zonder in de stress te schieten?
13.1 Sta op tijd klaar
Zorg dat alles op tijd klaar staat. Zeg tegen de locatie dat de opstelling en techniek op een bepaalde
tijd klaar moeten staan (ruim voor de aanvangstijd). Anders gaan technici uit van de aanvangstijd van
het evenement en ben je te laat omdat de techniek niet op tijd klaar staat.
13.2 Repeteren en testen
Loop het hele programma door. Klopt de powerpoint presentatie, kloppen de aankondigingen, weet
iedereen wat hij/zij moet doen?
13.3 Broodje vooraf
Regel vooraf een broodje voor de spreker en debatleider, zo kunnen ze vast even acclimatiseren. En
zo voorkom je dat de sprekers de hele tijd hun mond vol borrelnootjes hebben.
13.4 Muziek vooraf
Muziek terwijl mensen binnenlopen. Geen liftmuziek. En niet te zacht. Het wordt een leuke
13.5 Geen welkomstwoord door de directeur
De directeur wil graag iedereen welkom heten om uit te leggen dat de Bibliotheek debat belangrijk
vindt. Daar zit niemand op te wachten. Met je debat laat je zien dat de Bibliotheek het belangrijk vindt,
dat is meer waard dan 1.000 woorden. Show, don’t tell.
13.6 Geen cadeaus tijdens het debat
Het is niet leuk om te moeten kijken hoe sprekers een cadeau krijgen. Wacht met het geven van je
presentje tot de borrel. Dan heb je ook echt even de tijd om iemand echt te bedanken.
Rogier Elshout/ ProBiblio, Juni 201830
14.1 Livestream
Leuk, maar er kijkt bijna niemand naar.
14.2 Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Post wat over je event. Zorg wel dat deze posts interessant en relevant zijn en leiden tot interactie.
Dit werkt minder goed Dit werkt goed
Vlak voor het begin We gaan zo beginnen, spreker Y is
er klaar voor We gaan zo beginnen. Wat wil jij
vragen aan spreker Y?
Tijdens Het is een interessant debat met
meningen Partij A; “burgers boeien mij niet”.
Wat vindt jij daarvan?
Na Zo, dat was leuk Kijk hier de foto’s terug en tag
Rogier Elshout/ ProBiblio, Juni 201831
Afhankelijk van je ambities kun je als Bibliotheek ná het debat de relaties dan wel de inhoud een
vervolg geven.
Een bedankje achteraf aan de centrale gasten, ook al hebben ze al een attentie van je ontvangen,
wordt altijd erg gewaardeerd. En het kan helpen om ze de volgende keer weer te vragen.
Mocht je de mailadressen van de bezoekers hebben geregistreerd is een bedankje en een extra
contactmoment (eventueel een oproep voor feedback op de avond/middag) attent. Zorg er wel voor
dat het voldoet aan de nieuwe AVG regels.
Inhoudelijk kun je de opbrengst van het debat ook verder uitnutten. Dat kan middels persberichten
richting de traditionele media, maar natuurlijk ook via je eigen kanalen zoals nieuwsbrieven en social
media. Je kunt de inhoud en uitkomsten van het debat aan de verantwoordelijke politici doorgeven,
zodat er daadwerkelijk ook iets met de uitkomsten worden gedaan.
Een evaluatie van het debat kan voor verschillende doeleinden gedaan worden en op verschillende
manieren uitgevoerd. In principe is evalueren altijd een goed idee, maar het kost natuurlijk tijd.
Rogier Elshout/ ProBiblio, Juni 2018

About the author 

Rogier Elshout

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