On Tuesday the 1st of October 2019 Fueling the Future Summit took place. A successful 1st edition focused on hydrogen. Program highlights:

- Tudor Constantinescu, European Commission, represents that hydrogen has a priority for the energy transition in Europe.
- Noé van Hulst, Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate Policy, emphasized that the momentum and opportunities for hydrogen are now.
- Francois-Xavier Olivieri (Engie), Eric Sebellin (Air Liquide) and Oliver Bishop (Shell) spoke about the necessary infrastructure.
- Nigel Brandon, Imperial College London, underlined the necessity of customers believe to get to a hydrogen economy.
- René Schutte, Gasunie, spoke about the opportunity to use their backbone for the transportation and storage of hydrogen.
- Marco Waas, Nouryon, believes the next step is for the chemical industry into a circular economy. Hydrogen is key and proven.
- Didier Stevens (Toyota), Ruud Bouwman (VDL), Geert van Hecke (Van Hool) and André Beukers (E-Trucks Europe) spoke about the Future of mobility with the use of hydrogen.
- Under the guidance of moderator Rogier Elshout.

Thanks to all speakers, the moderator and participants for making this a successful day.