Event check up! Is your event post-covid proof?
Our event specialists offer an event check, to make your event more engaging, inclusive and impactful.
Free for NGO's!
Events: back to normal?
The world is slowly going back to normal. But events, hopefully, are not. The world has changed. People got used to online events: faster, more to the point and with a higher entertainment factor. There is so much content to choose from: for what are people still willing to travel and gather?
Events that make Europe better
We want to help Europe to have better events. Events that are inclusive to all people and representing everybody instead of just amplifying the same insiders. Events that are a great experience, where people leave with energy instead of nodding of till it is time for the toast. And that really helps change peoples minds, our policies and the status quo.
It takes rethinking
But that is not easy. Protocol, traditions and cultural differences must be respected. Budgets are not limited. Having a sharp edged-debate and still maintain diplomatic caution is a chord dance. Outsiders are sometimes hard to persuade to be a panelist. But with some creativity, much is possible.
We believe events can and should be so much better
Therefore we offer you 'the post covid event check up': Send us your draft for you seminar, conference or event and will schedule a one-hour call with you for a brainstorm on how to make it even better. No strings attached. Why? Well we believe events can and should be so much better. And it is a great opportunity for us to sharpen our minds and make sure we are the most up-to-date moderators in Brussels.
How it works
Step 1
Send us you draft program and answer the questions in this form
Step 2
We will look at it, discuss internally
Step 3
We schedule a one hour call to help you with all your questions
This offer is free for NGO's that promote at least one SDG. For institutions, companies, industry umbrella's and consultancies, we ask 295 euro, but off course it is free if you hire us as your moderator.
Results after our event check up: A more post-covid proof event
Is your event post-covid proof?
Please fill in the form below and one of our event specialists will contact you..
Events in 2023
Some welcome speeches, a predictable panel discussion that isn’t really a discussion and a skipped Q&A because the key note presentation with 100+ slides ran 30 minutes over time.
We cannot go back to normal. Since the pandemic, people expect so much more. Faster, more interaction and more surprises.
Why gather speakers together, if they give monologues instead of having a heated discussion or honest dialogue? Why bring participants together at a specific time and place (online or live), if there is just one-way-communication (or the 5 minutes Q&A at the end that nobody really enjoys).
People expect to have an experience. To be at the edge of their seats, to be part of it and not be a spectator.
Events that lack diversity of voices lack appeal and impact. Many speakers and organizations today (rightly) refuse to take part in all-male panels.
But diversity is much more than fulfilling a quota for a more colourful picture. It means that different people, opinions, voices and angles are represented and included in the discussion. It means that outside voices, disruptive opinions and refreshing views are included.
Starting with ‘do we have a rainbow of voices’ rather than ‘a rainbow of spokespeople’ makes the search for diversity much more easy and rewarding. And a real inclusive event is much more interesting, refreshing and effective.
What is different the day after your event? Does everybody say what they planned to say, we exchange some polite words, have some drinks and it all stays the same?
Or is there really something happening? Did people leave with new ideas, a better understanding or a changed mind? Is the status quo challenged? Did speakers make promises you can help them keep?
What are your goals and did you reach them? Did you maximize your ROI? With more creativity, events can be so much more effective than a ritual dance around the protocol-pole.
Hybrid events: do it good or don’t do it.
Hybrid. It is the buzzword of the moment. The best of both worlds: the intimacy and full on experience of an on-site event ánd the accessibility and scalability of an online event.
A good hybrid event is great. But a live event with a webcam in the back is not. A full day conference that is also broadcasted is not. To satisfy both your onsite and online audience, you have to approach it like two different events.

Maybe your onsite audience has a different profile, different desires, attestation span and opinions than your online audience. Maybe you give them a partly different program.
Maybe you only do a part of your event hybrid. Maybe you should make a clear choice: an onsite event with a livestream and thus manage the expectations of your online audience that they will only be spectators.

Or maybe you want to go full hybrid: great onsite event with a great debate, good catering and something unexpected. And a great online event, with good camera registration, a wall with your online participants, and a second moderator to manage interaction with the online audience and keep them hooked while the onsite participants drink coffee.

Our team
of moderators & event professionals for Europe
Moderator with many years expierence. Knows how Europe works. Brings every topic to live.
Moderator who aims to connect people. I love to help people cooperate.
Ensures lively meaningful discussions, powerful messages and a strong link with the current affairs.
Moderator Anna Gumbau brings positive energy and connects the dots between topics. Book Anna Gumbau for your event.
Using humor to make your message hit home.
making debates relevant and inclusive
Dino Subašić, creating space for every voice
Moderator with many years expierence. Knows how Europe works. Brings every topic to live.
Moderator with many years expierence. Knows how Europe works. Brings every topic to live.